
TOYS returns to Theatre Orangeville in 2023

Theatre Orangeville Youth Singers entertaining an audience at a show
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Making a Triumphant Return to Theatre Orangeville Academy Programs – It’s TOYS!

Theatre Orangeville is proud to announce the return of our beloved Youth Academy Program - TOYS (Theatre Orangeville Youth Singers). After multiple delays in bringing the program back to our community - due to the global pandemic - it has now been 2.5 years since our very own TOYS program has been up and running. Originating in 1994, TOYS was conceived to give young people the opportunity to sing their hearts out, while receiving training in choral techniques, sight singing, singing in harmony and choreography.

We are excited to confirm that this program will be returning in January 2023. It will run through to the end of May, with the group meeting on Tuesdays (Jan - Apr) and Thursdays (Apr - May). This season of TOYS will end with it's annual Spring Production (May 29th to June 1st).

The program auditions are open to anyone in grades 3-10 - however we encourage all to participate.  Please reach out to us - even if you are outside of the recommended grade ranges and would like to audition! Auditions will be held November 28th from 4:30pm - 8:30pm (Location TBD). Those interested in the program are asked to prepare a musical theatre piece, to perform a capella, for our Program Director & Coordinator. Auditions give the Director an opportunity to spend some 1:1 time with the to-be participants and get to know their ability level before each voice becomes a part of the larger group.

The tuition for this season of TOYS is $275. There is no cost to audition.

Stay tuned to our Blog for more information - we'll be announcing and introducing our new Program Director for TOYS at our 'Twas The Night... Gala - This Saturday, November 12th.

For questions about the program, please contact Kaitlyn Gallant


Here is the link to sign up for auditions

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