
North(519) Best of Toronto Fringe Shows ANNOUNCED!!

Black background with North(519) Best of Toronto Fringe Logo + Our Little Secret and Fertility Slippers show logos on Summer Arts Fest square backgrounds
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We are SO EXCITED TO SHARE - our 2023 North(519) Best of Toronto Fringe shows that will be appearing at our Summer Arts Fest on Friday August 11th.

After a FULL WEEK of our annual 'Fringe Binge' our 4 jurors and extended TOV (Theatre Orangeville) family & friends took in 48 shows in total!! Yes, over four days our team saw everything from dramas, to musicals, to comedies, to kids shows, magicians, one-person-shows, and everything in between.

Last week our jurors deliberated as a team to pick our two shows to invite to our stage (at Mount Alverno during our annual Summer Arts Fest). And the results are IN...



Our FRINGE A (7:00pm show) is Our Little Secret

A little bit about this hilarious musical-comedy:

What does a 31-year old theatre kid do when he finds out his parents aren't quite who he thinks they are?

Write a musical, of course!

OUR LITTLE SECRET: THE 23&ME MUSICAL is the hilarious, moving, and completely true story of Noam Tomaschoff's discovery that he wasn't an only child, and he actually had more than 35 siblings around the world.

With a deft blend of comedy, drama, and wide ranging musical styles, Noam takes the audience on the roller coaster ride of emotions and discovery that he experienced over this past year, ending with a message of optimism that is sure to make you hold your family just a little bit tighter.



Our FRINGE B (8:30pm show) is Fertility Slippers

A little bit about this humourous heartfelt story:

Vancouver. 2005. A Turkish-Canadian mother and daughter reflect on their past, navigate the present, and after an unexpected medical diagnosis, contemplate an uncertain future.

The Mother is a Turkish immigrant who came to Canada as a single parent. The Daughter is a young adult trapped between two worlds. One is passionate and loyal, and the other is 24-going-on-12 when faced with her mother’s smothering. They are always at odds. Just put on the damn slippers, canım, and everything will be fine! Maybe? Probably. Will Mother and Daughter overcome their differences in crisis, or will Mother have to “pickle her”?

The story is based on Aydin’s own experience as a 1.5 generation immigrant, having moved here old enough that she retained a deep connection to her home, while being young enough to quickly assimilate into the new culture.  Fertility Slippers reflects on the family dynamics that arise when generations collide and cultures mix. Aydin asks “when a family is divided by a world of differences, what will it take to stay together?”

Told with humour and heart, Fertility Slippers is a new one-act dramedy from Ece Aydin, directed by Christopher Legacy, featuring performances from Aida Keykhaii and Parnian Pourzahed.




If you are interested in seeing both our Friday night Fringe shows, please call our Box Office at 519-942-3423 for discounted combo tickets.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For all the info on our other Summer Arts Fest events - check the last blog post!!


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